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Yoga Nidra – Rest Deeply with Jennifer Morrison

  • BODY 333 West Cordova Road Santa Fe, NM 87505 United States (map)

invite  y o u r s e l f  to  R E S T

become  r e c e p t i v e  to  C H A N G E

experience  c o n s c i o u s  T R A N S F O R M A T I O N  

Yoga Nidra literally means yogic sleep and can be practiced by anyone. It is an ancient technique and systematic practice of moving awareness from the external world to the inner world to enter deep states of conscious relaxation. When this happens, brain activity quiets allowing reason, space, and time to fall away. From here we can re-connect with ourselves, and our true nature, more profoundly to heal, restore and awaken. 

This practice is done lying down with ample support for your comfort and warmth for about 45-50 minutes. We will allow ample time for you to settle into a comfortable reclined position. Then you will be guided through a detailed and specific script including breathing techniques, visualization, and directing consciousness intentionally through your body to ultimately bring you into a state of deep awareness and insight.

Benefits: rejuvenates the body, reduces stress, improves concentration and memory, and activates the parasympathetic nervous system which provides energy and resources to the brain and the internal organs

$25 at the door.

February 1

Sound Healing Immersion: The Heart is Awake with Shingetsu Billy White