A creative playspace incorporating movement and mindfulness into nurturing and fun drop-in childcare.

Play destination for toddlers and pre-schoolers in the heart of Santa Fe.
Enriching programming for your kids
+ the time you need for self care.
For the child
Socialize with other children in a relaxing setting with a maximum of 6 kids
Sustainable non-toxic toys that encourage creativity and imagination
Daily programming led by engaged caregivers
Age-appropriate wellness practice such as creative movement
Organic low-sugar snacks such as smoothies (with parental approval)
Always something new to try, including a daily art project
For the parent
Choose BODYkids to add enriching programming into your child’s routine while you get the time you need for self-care. Reserve a play session while you attend a yoga class, a spa treatment, lunch, a work meeting, run errands around town, or just plain get things done. Our drop-and-go model makes BODYkids a great choice not only for clients of BODY, but for community members who need occasional childcare.
Do we need a reservation?
At this time BODYKIDS is by appointment only.
Please call (505)986-0362 or email guestservices@bodyofsantafe.com at least 24 hours before.
How much does it cost?
Each 1.5-hour play session costs $18, or $12 if you are headed to one of our yoga classes or spa treatments.
Can I book more than one consecutive session?
We currently only offer 1.5-hour play sessions.
What is expected?
Please arrive ten minutes early to help your child settle into BODYkids. We require you to bring a snack and drink for your child. Children must be potty trained. If you choose to leave your child and go off-site, you must be within 15 minutes of returning to BODY in case your child has an emergency, and for this reason, you must pick up your phone by the second ring (do not let our call go to voicemail). Thank you!
Where are you located?
BODY is located next to Clafoutis at 333 W Cordova Rd. Our BODYkids playspace is located within our wellness center, just across the hall from our main yoga studio. Please sign in at the front reception desk before heading back to BODYkids.
We look forward to playtime!