Pre-natal Massage: Benefits & Why This Self-Care is Vital During Pregnancy

Being pregnant is quickly learning that every decision that used to be for you, is now for the wellbeing of your baby. As the maternal instincts set in, validating the feelings and frustrations around the physical reality of carrying a baby can be challenging. The truth is, pregnancy is bliss, but it’s also a huge shift in your body and it’s okay to put yourself first to feel some healthy relief. If you’re here, you’re probably looking into how and if pre-natal massages can bring you comfort. The good news is, it can! 

So what is a pre-natal massage?

Pre-natal massage is a gentle massage that targets areas based on the woman’s discomfort. With slower movements, the massage aims to help with posture, swelling, and relieving muscle and joint tension. At BODY, we believe release is the path to healing, both physically and mentally. This is a beautiful time of extreme change in a woman’s body and we want to be there for you to feel your best in the process. 

Benefits of Prenatal massage

Reduced inflammation

Oh, the swelling. From swollen joints to reduced blood circulation, we know how uncomfortable this factor is. Body work helps stimulate the tissues, reducing the fluid build-up around joints. Gentle movement helps blood circulation flow better while bringing fresh oxygen around the muscles.


Reduced stress

Massage stimulates endorphin production, while also regulating cortisol levels, promoting stress release throughout the body. The gentle pressure applied during the session activates the vagus nerve to promote the body’s relaxation response. 

Reduces discomfort

In addition to the other two benefits, the aim of your pre-natal massage is to promote relaxation and comfort. The average pregnant woman gains 20-40 pounds carrying a baby, these aches and pains occur throughout the pregnancy and do not have to be how you live the next 9 months. We're here to help your body feel optimal throughout your pregnancy.

The overall aim of a pre-natal massage is to provide you with relaxation and comfort. While the benefits are plenty from stress relief to promoting better sleep and alleviating discomfort, the most important part is you're caring for yourself, which will only help you and your baby. Booking in a regular session helps keep a lot of the fussy symptoms associated with pregnancy more neutral so you can go about your days with more ease. We're thrilled you're seeking relief and a self-care pattern early on to improve your health. This will help normalize the self-care postpartum you'll need to keep up postpartum! 


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