3 Holistic Remedies to Everyday Stress

As National Stress Awareness Day approaches this week, we meditate on offerings BODY has for clients to feel their best from the inside out. We know stress enters our systems whether we like it or not and the temptation to avoid it or numb it is high, however, we believe in holistic remedies that help move stress out of the body with several modalities offered here at BODY. From acupuncture to massage therapy, incorporating self-care into your routine will mitigate cortisol from skyrocketing in your body, while also promoting boosted mood and energy. 


Traditional Chinese medicine has been around for thousands of years, helping prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases in patients. Acupuncture uses super fine needles to stimulate targeted points in the body. These specific points treat different ailments in the body from hormone imbalance to stress. 

Our acupuncturist and aesthetician, Dr. Jeanne White begins her sessions by reading your pulse and tongue to diagnose what ailments may be present in your body. With that intel, she determines which specific points in the body to treat with the needles. The needles don’t hurt, yet they have the power to stimulate your body’s internal healing mechanisms. Not only do the needles provide healing and relief, the sessions provide relaxing downtime where the focus is on you and your healing. 


Massages are not only a way to carve out time for self-care and to de-stress, the benefits of the massage work deep into the body to release stored trauma and tension. Physical modalities like massage therapy possess the power for people to heal emotionally. Stress builds up in the body, which leads to cortisol creating tension and pain in the body. Massage releases endorphins like serotonin and dopamine, releasing cortisol and tension. 

Low-impact fitness like Yoga & Pilates

While in Western culture we may see yoga as fitness, it is a meditation practice thousands of years old. The practice reduces stress, boosts mental health, and increases mindfulness. Other benefits include body awareness while improving range of motion and stability. In addition to yoga, another low-impact fitness modality that tones and strengthens the body is Pilates. It increases core strength and flexibility while improving posture and boosting endorphins.

Stress negatively impacts the body by triggering hormonal changes, memory impairment, skin issues, gastrointestinal issues, the body's fight-or-flight response and so much more. Tackle stress' affects on your mental and physical health with vital self-care. In today’s day and age, too often do we view self-care as selfish or as an earned treat, when in reality, self-care is as vital as personal hygiene or nourishing yourself with food and water. 


Two Facial Add Ons You Need This Fall


Yoga Poses to Support Lymphatic Drainage